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Enjoying Life’s Possibilities

It’s been a great adventure studying Ecclesiastes with you! I hope you have enjoyed it — please share the series with your friends or catch up on what you missed. Click here for all of the Enjoy Life: from Meaningless to Meaningful posts!

I’m going to be completely honest with you, my friend.  Today’s post was to be what the British call “a bit of a fob off.”  You see, I had always planned to write the last look at Ecclesiastes after I returned from a 10 day trip to see my daughter and grandkids.  With a five month old infant and a two-year old who is obsessed with every sport, it’s now too difficult to continue writing when I visit and take care of them for eight hours.  Let’s just say this 59-year old grandma (Guga as I’m affectionately called) passes out from exhaustion about 8:30pm each night after a day of bottles, diapers, up and down the stairs, laundry, baseball, football, golf, hockey, and little bits of quiet snuggling in between.  I love every single bit of it.

So here I was back home ready to jump in to the wise words of King Solomon.  And I started feeling ill.  After just a few days home I became so delirious and short of breath that I caused myself a full blown panic attack one night thinking I was dying.  My husband managed to get me to the doctor where I tested positive for Influenza.  I can’t remember the last time I had the actual flu.  A flu that then turned into pneumonia — which is why I didn’t seem to be getting better. My hopes of feeling up to writing even a few lines were put way, way back on the burner.

But through the blessings of the Lord, I was put on new medications just yesterday.  I now have a veritable neighborhood pharmacy on my counter.  And although walking from one room to the next still seems a bit like I’ve tried tackling the 213.7 mile John Muir Trail with my friend Betsy, I can feel my body recovering.  So instead of “fobbing off” and writing a placeholder, here I am through God’s providence, jumping into wisdom and life and the wonderful meaning of it all.

You see, even in my darkest moments when I was really sick I was remembering some important things about this life.  That I don’t know how it all works but God does.  Ecclesiastes 1 reminded us that although we are made in God’s image, He still is the ultimate creator and has more power and knowledge than we can ever hope to amass.

I also allowed myself to ask why God doesn’t fix things immediately at my whim or even pleading?  Which, of course, reminded me of the famous Ecclesiastes 3 scripture:

After my 4am panic attack and my husband had calmed my breathing, I laid back in bed thinking, “Is this what it will be like in the end?  At my final moments?  Worried and panicked?  Clawing to hold on to one more day of this life?”  

When we looked at Ecclesiastes 9, we ran head first into the only truth no one can deny, no matter how hard they try.  “The same destiny overtakes us all.” (vs 3).  And yet we cling so hard and forget about the other truth the people of this world want to deny – we have hope for those who believe.  We have an eternal place where God has a plan for justice.  Where He has brought every single one of our loved ones, who also believe, to live with us forever and ever.  Nothing left behind but sin and strife and pain and death.

My friends, if we accept that death is our future and as Solomon told us in verse 9:12, “No one knows when their hour will come,” we must take all that he says in wisdom in his last chapters 11 and 12 to heart.

It’s a message repeated throughout the New Testament.  Know God, love God, trust God, obey God.  We are not God and we can only know what is happening this very moment (and we can barely remember what happened yesterday!)  

There’s a trend on Instagram where very talented photographers stop every day looking strangers on the street and ask to take their picture.  The people (usually women) tell the photographer all the reasons why they are not worthy of having a photo taken of them.  One adult woman with fairly new braces said she would start smiling once her braces came off.  In what — two or three years?  And yet her braces-filled pictures were gorgeous! 

Are you waiting to smile until something better happens in your life?  Until the right person comes along?  The right job?  The right bank account?  That “happiness” seeking roller coaster that Solomon warned us about in Ecclesiastes 6.  It’s a joy killer.  It may look like seeking meaning but it all becomes so meaningless.

Solomon tells us, “go!”  Try that new hobby or skill.  Actively seek out new friendships and opportunities.  Tell your friend or family member how much God loves them – today.  Stop waiting until you get to the point where there’s no longer time, but also remembering all along who you belong to – our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Not hedonism as we looked at chapter 10 and the Right Side of Life.  That’s meaningless folly.  True joy, true enjoyment comes from knowing and listening to the Lord and stepping onto the narrow path.

I read a quote recently that went something like this:

Trusting God is like being married to adventure but if you are looking for an excuse, you will find one.”

In other words, if you truly trust in the Lord for His love and provision.  If you truly believe you are a beloved and beautiful daughter or son of God then He wants you to enjoy this short life He’s given you on this little blue planet.  

This ancient book of wisdom on the surface seems like the last place to go to for this inspiration.  I mean reminding us from beginning to end we will all die…a real party conversation killer.  But sprinkled throughout this truth are the six reminders to “Enjoy Life.”  Enjoy life while fearing the Lord and keeping His commands (Ecc 12:13).  King Solomon did a bit too much of the first and forgot the second until towards the end of his life.  He’s pleading with you hear his God-given words now.

I read this article by editor and founder Joanna Gaines in my most recent copy of Magnolia magazine.  I realized it was a great way to end this series studying Ecclesiastes and the meaning of life.  Especially for those of you who struggle with life’s changes, the good and the frequently not so good.  We may want to retreat, go back to the old.  We pray for God to remove the struggle and the pain.  And it might get us stuck.  Stuck in bad habits and bad relationships.  Stuck in not believing the God who created the heavens and the earth also has a plan and blessings waiting for you.  Stuck in the lie that your personal cycle of life will just keep plugging away, never changing and never ending.  Which keeps us far from the concept of joy and enjoyment.  Listen to this excerpt from Mrs. Gaines’ essay titled, “Space to See Possibility” (spring 2024).

When life swung, for the first time I didn’t hold my breath.  I stood tall.  I looked around.  I worried less what was changing now and instead looked forward to what it could give way to the next.  I asked myself, “What beautiful thing can come from this?  What did I learn that can carry me forward?  And I came to realize that it’s the aftermath that’s the most formative.  It was how we landed, how we let what was different be its own kind of beautiful.  It was how we reset, changed course, and believed in the goodness to come.”

As my head has started to clear from my illnesses – my dizziness is dissipating and my vision is clearing – I look back over how often I sought the Lord.  How often I thanked Him for seemingly endless boxes of Kleenex, soft sheets, a comfortable bed, doctors, pharmacists, drug inventors and scientists, friends, clean water, my husband and daughters, and more.  I pleaded but I didn’t know if I would be healed or when. I felt terrible yet, still I knew my life is good.  A life to enjoy even in the least enjoyable moments.  Because that’s what our faith gives us.  Head scratching, oppositeness from the world.  A life of meaning.

My friend, I hold out my hand to you asking you to join me on this great adventure called Jehovah, God, Jesus, Elohim, Holy Spirit.  Ask Him today, “What’s next?” and go enjoy.

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A Guiding Word

Hello Friends and Happy New Year! This weekend my husband and I sat down and did a review of 2023. Boy did we have a lot of fun! In the midst of vacations, concerts, family visits, the birth of a new grand baby I know there were also difficulties. My husband’s business is still recovering from the COVID lockdowns, as is the restaurant we invested in back in 2018. My sinus issues and pain reared its ugly head over and over. But I made a point last year to seek the Lord in every circumstance. 

When things were good I prayed for the blessings bestowed. When times were hard I prayed to see Him at work pruning me and sharpening me. My bad days were more like bad hours or minutes. All because I made the conscious choice to trust in the Lord and release the work of the Holy Spirit in me. I cried during those hard times and the Lord comforted me. I celebrated during the good times and the Lord danced with me.

This morning as I headed out for a walk, I pondered over the varied goal lists my husband and I created yesterday. I realized I needed an umbrella plan to guide me again this year. A word to focus on as each day comes at us with force. Some of you may already partake in this annual “word selection.”  Two Christmases ago while attending a women’s brunch at my church the topic came up and our tables discussed which words they had chosen that year and how successful they were at focusing on them. Being a results oriented person myself I was surprised I had never taken this on as a challenge. While this last year didn’t include a single word, I did make it a point to seek Him everywhere.

This year, I have decided to pick a word to guide me. I’d like to issue you the same challenge. Think about it, ponder, pray, ruminate, chew on it and then write it down.  Put it on your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your Bible, on your refrigerator, or even on your wrist. It should be a word that can focus you on God’s Word in every situation.  Once you’ve found your word, find a corresponding scripture to anchor it. 

I found this great, short article by Steve Kyle, in the Mount Paran Christian School newsletter encouraging students, staff and parents on why you should select a biblical word of the year:

  1. Focus – Once you have prayed about and discerned your word for the year, you’ll begin to notice that you hear it everywhere. Not only that, but your word will flow through your thoughts at seemingly random moments, when God knows we need the reminder. These moments may occur when we see a book title and read it because it relates to our word. Other times a sermon or even a social media post will catch our attention with a correlation. In every case, we are drawn toward the Lord with a fresh perspective. 
  2. Motivation – Our word will pop up at the most uncomfortable times. It’s easy for us to lose sight of long-term goals, becoming bogged down in the daily stuff. But, small emergencies rob us of our greater purpose, the “tyranny of the urgent.” When we feel overwhelmed, it’s easy to shut down. Big or long-haul goals seem impossible to attain. But, our word of the year grabs our attention again.God never gives up on us. Neither does He fail to remind us when we’ve made a commitment. Whatever your circumstances, a single word as a theme can and will motivate you. You’ll gain a longer-range spiritual goal and a desire to implement concrete actions to solidify it.
  3. Accountability – The natural progression from focus through motivation leads straight to accountability. Our chosen word hangs like a store sign over our life. Part of the attraction of prayerfully choosing a word for the year is sharing it with friends. As soon as it’s uttered, the deal is sealed. We should not change our word or make excuses. Even if we never share our word with another living soul, God knows, and who can hold us more accountable than God?

Each day before rising ask the Holy Spirit to guide you with your word. At lunch time do a mini check-in with your word. During your evening prayers, review how you did with your word and ask the Lord to bolster you again tomorrow.

I’ll reveal my word in the coming days. I’m still pondering. It may become a blog series! Once you have your word drop me a note so I can pray for you because sharing your word will only help lead you to success this year!

Your friend in Christ, Kris

There are so many words to choose from but if you’ve never done this before, here’s a short list to jumpstart you!

  • peace
  • kindness
  • service
  • love
  • patience
  • self-control
  • gentleness
  • joy
  • courage
  • silence
  • yes
  • surrender
  • strength
  • humility
  • decisive
  • balance
  • build
  • faithfulness
  • stillness
  • rest
  • trust
  • seek
  • grateful
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The Work of His Hands

Merry Christmas Eve! My hope is that you are not only enjoying time with family but also time in prayer thanking God for what we truly celebrate at this time — that the Word became flesh to be our only Savior.  We need to grasp the immense hope this event holds, not just for believers but for all people. In turn, we should grieve for our friends, family, neighbors and strangers who either haven’t heard of this hope or have rejected it. 

I’ve been thinking on a few people I know who are not Christians, yet celebrate during this time of year. I know a family whose grandmother is Catholic yet her children and grandchildren are unbelievers. In fact, one grandchild converted to Judaism to marry her husband. She converted not out of faith but out of cultural requirements. So on Christmas Day they will celebrate Gift Giving, not Jesus.  It’s a curious evolution of a significant event in world history. People finding themselves celebrating something they don’t believe!

I can thank the Lord that He changed my heart and mind so that I can experience the fullness of the gift of Christmas. The gift of a Savior come to wash me clean so I can stand before the King of Kings one day. It’s an amazing task God has set before Jesus. To take on the sins of the entire world, day after day and year after year. But He is a powerful and glorious God! 

When I was searching for scripture for today, I came across a psalm which speaks so beautifully of the power of God and His Holy Word — and of the greatest command to Love One Another. So on this Christmas Eve I want to share it with you. And as so often happens when I’m writing, God reveals Himself in amazing ways. In finalizing this post I looked up commentary on this psalm. I discovered two things. The first being that C.S. Lewis considered this psalm to be “the greatest poem and one of the greatest lyrics in the world.” Second, traditional church lectionary (which my church doesn’t follow) assigns this psalm to be read on Christmas Day, when the “Sun of Righteousness came into the world.”  Warren Wiersbe points out the emphasis in this psalm is on “God’s revelation of Himself in creation, Scripture and the human heart.”

Peace be with you, my friends. And may all glory be given to God.

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Glory Revealed

You may have seen the widely distributed story and corresponding photos of the family who, after placing their Christmas tree inside their home, found an owl living in it. Four days after it had been decorated beautifully, admired, sat around, and I’m sure photographed. Four days. While the owl wasn’t some large barn owl, it wasn’t a tiny baby either. It appears to be about 6″ tall.  Let’s be clear about this too — the tree wasn’t decorated by children in some slipshod way. Someone draped and swirled gorgeous red, gold and white checkered ribbon. Lights were strung throughout, placed deep inside the branches. And no one saw the owl.

I was thinking about that story when I heard a podcast about the announcing of Jesus’ birth by angels to the shepherds. How His glory was revealed to the lowest on the economic totem pole, not to the religious elite. And once again I was struck with how God flips our view of “the way things should be” upside down. 

While we are told at various points in Holy Scripture that God sees all, sees and knows every single hair on our heads. However, there are those among us who are destined to never see or understand the glory of God. We are told in Mark 6 that after teaching in the synagogue in Nazareth many were astonished to hear such wisdom. Instead of wanting more, however, they “took offense” and shunned Him. The result was that Jesus did not use His might and power there. They had closed off their hearts and minds to Him. They missed out on his glory.

You know how that owl was finally seen? A neighbor was bending over to plug in some sort of device and saw the tree from a different angle. As believers, we should have that same perspective change so we can see and know the secrets of the Kingdom. Like that owl revealed in the tree we can see the glory and the light of the Lord shining in hidden places and in places that seem so obvious to us. Once seen, it can never be unseen.

When God reveals His glory to us, once we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior, we are able to see two worlds. The world of the flesh and the world of promised His Kingdom. We see the joy and the hope while the world may just see bitterness and despair. The world so often looks down and inward. We turn our eyes outward and upward taking in the view of God’s people in need and ask how we can serve them. We see the glory of God revealed at work throughout our day — if you aren’t, just ask the Holy Spirit to help clear your eyes.

Friends, the King of Kings doesn’t just knock on the door of palaces and mansion. He knocks on our doors. At our apartment, our tiny home, our tent, our bedroom door. We need only to open the door, unlike the people in Nazareth, and welcome Him in (Rev 3:20) and His glory will be revealed. 

All honor and praise to the God who loves the lowly and reveals the secrets of the Kingdom to all believers in His Holy Word. Amen

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His Hand in Mine

Yesterday, I received bad news while at the doctor. For the last few years I have struggled with constant pain and pressure in my left ear. I’ve had two sinus surgeries, a surgery to release pressure in that ear, an eardrum repair surgery, and even recent upper wisdom teeth removal in hopes it would ease the pain on the left side of my face. After another bout of sinus issues, a few months ago the doctor told me I had another pinprick size hole in my left eardrum. He had hoped it would repair itself. The other night I thought I had an earwax problem so I used some solution to try and clear it — causing intense pain. 

So, yesterday I found myself at urgent care for the billionth time complaining about stabbing pain and muted hearing in the left ear. I prayed it would just be ear wax pushing against my eardrum. But after examining my ear the doctor announced my tiny hole was now quite large, again. I couldn’t help myself — I started crying. I probably damaged the ear trying to clear it. And I anticipate the only solution will be yet another painful surgery. Until then, my hearing is muffled and my ear is distractingly painful.

I walked out to my car feeling hopeless, again. Feeling like God doesn’t want me healed. I cried on the phone call to my husband. Beating myself up for probably causing the problem to worsen. Allowing that voice in my head to call me names and doubt the love of God.

Our verse today comes at the end of events of Lazarus’ death and moments before his resurrection. It’s Jesus talking to Lazarus’s sister, Martha, who warns Jesus that removing the stone from the grave will reveal a terrible smell as her brother had been dead for 4 days.  Just before this meeting at the tomb Lazarus’ other sister, Mary, also fell at Jesus’ feet.

We all, at some point in our lives, have wanted Jesus to intervene for us. We have a plan, an expectation, that if He loved us He would see that plan through. At one point in my Christian journey I would’ve taken the news about my health and let it weigh on me for days or even weeks. ”Why won’t you heal me right now?” ”Don’t you see me, Lord?” Although God tells us to bring all our prayers and petitions before Him, He also wants us to have faith in His plan, not ours.

It may seem cruel that Jesus allowed Lazarus to die. For his family to suffer such pain and loss. God’s plan, however, needed a little bit of drama to catch the attention of many. What greater event than the raising of a clearly dead man? Imagine the astonishment, the celebration, the awe!

I don’t know what the next steps will be for my health. My ear may be permanently damaged or the doctors, with the guiding hands of God, may be able to repair it. It may even heal on its own (the glory of the Lord at work in our bodies each and every time we experience healing!). I do know I don’t want to be like “some of them (the Jews)” who, instead of seeing God’s hand at work raising Lazarus from the dead, went to the Pharisees and complained. Imagine that, they complained that a man was healing people, even from death!

Whatever comes to pass I want to see the glory of God working in me and through me– putting His hand in mine. I will rely on Him for strength when the pain overwhelms me. I will look to Him for peace when I begin to despair. I will remember that I am loved and not being “punished” when things go astray. I may cry, I may get sad, I may even worry at bit. He will help change the narrative in my head. And I will ask Him to guide me through this so I may reflect His beautiful light to others.

Soli Deo Gloria. Amen

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Savior King

Yesterday, in the Advent study I’m working through we were tasked with listing the names and characteristics of Jesus from various Old and New Testament scriptures. The names included: child, son, Son of the Most High, Father, Counselor, God, Prince of Peace, Lord, King, Jesus and Messiah/Savior. Attached to these names were adjectives such as wonderful, mighty, great, everlasting, zealous, wise, and upholder of justice and righteousness.

We were then asked to highlight the name and characteristic that we believe to be the most significant. Which would you say? It may depend on your current state of mind or the situation you find yourself in. But let me back up a bit and take us to the year 2019. There were just a few small things going on in the world that year. A worldwide pandemic for one. And the U.S. election for a new president.

What was your state of mind at the time? Were you afraid for your health? Worried about who would lead the world’s most influential country? Concerned about the status of your job? Upset about the situation with your children’s schools? Angry about people wearing masks or not? Abandon by your church for shutting their doors? Distraught over a loved one’s death? The year 2019 certainly held a lot of opportunity for all those emotions. At the time, the bigger question was: being honest, who did you cling to? The TV newscasters? Health officials? Elected leaders? Family? Or God?

“When His glory is revealed.” What does that mean for us in the here and now? We suffer through leaders seeking their own glory through greed and immorality. We hear false teachers leading Christians astray with destructive heresies (2 Peter 2:1). Neighbors and even family and friends follow their sensual desires and blaspheme the truth (2 Peter 2:2). And we shouldn’t be surprised. It is all written in God’s Holy Word. But what is also written is that there will be a day of judgment. 

My friends, if we believe that Jesus is a real person who walked this earth as both God and man; if we see how the truth of the prophets in the Old Testament came to pass over and over; if we have experienced our glorious God working throughout our life, then we must place the banner of truth on the promise of times to come.  We must look different than the world. Our choices both physically and emotionally must cause others to ask us questions. ”Why aren’t you worried?”

I’ll tell you honestly the Lord was doing a might work in me in 2019. On one hand, I allowed myself to be carried away with all manner of worldly emotions. On the other, I began clinging to God. The battle of the heavens was revealed in little ‘ole me.  I know that God is winning and will be victorious. Just the other day a good friend shared her husband’s observation of me. He told her how much I’ve changed over the years. I almost cried when she shared that he called me “gentler.” And I raised my hand up giving God, the Victorious, all glory.

Jesus is all the names I listed during my study. He has all the characteristics found in those scriptures. Surely the name Savior should speak most to us especially during times of trouble and strife. He came to save us from a terrible judgement. He is the Savior King who will uphold all final justice and righteousness. Knowing that this glorious and powerful God cares about those two things should bring us everlasting peace. 

The world is a mess, just like it was hundreds of thousands of years ago. Just like it was when the Romans ruled throughout Israel, Judea, Samaria and the far reaches of Europe when the Jews sought an earthly king to save them. The Word of God promises us it won’t get better until Jesus returns. So, let’s put our hope and peace and love in His hands. He is the only one who will lead us into victory.

Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen

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Known Hearts

Have you ever been singing a song and someone points out to you that you’ve been singing the wrong lyrics all along? In the rom-com, 27 Dresses, there’s a scene where the two main actors battle it out over the actual lyrics to the Elton John song, “Bennie & the Jets.” It’s a hilarious take on something we’ve all probably done while singing our hearts out in the shower.

Well, while out on my walk this morning enjoying the gloriously crisp and clear Southern California day I was listening to my Christian playlist. The song “All My Praise” by Ryan Ellis came on and as I sung along I misheard the beginning lyrics which go, “Hallelujah, Christ is risen. Now every heart has a way.” Instead, I sang “now every heart has a name.” For the next half hour that oops of a line sat on my mind as I composed my Soli Deo Gloria post for today. How it’s so true that because of Jesus coming to tell the Good News, to not just Jews but every gentile, every heart could know God and be known by God.

That scripture is just a part of Jesus’ prayer to His Father telling of His love for us. Asking God to continue in His care for us when he departs. Do you realize there is no other God, no other religion that has this beautifully unique relationship with its believers?

When the Trinity created the world and universe — with God speaking the plan, Jesus enacting it and the Holy Spirit providing His hovering supervision — God didn’t suddenly leave us to our own devices. That’s what deists believe. That God is not working daily, loving us moment by moment while we reside on His earthly creation. It’s not a new idea, in fact U.S. Founding Father Thomas Jefferson was a famous deist. But that’s not the Bible. And to be honest, it’s not lived out reality.

I’ve mentioned before that the Christian faith is based on real people and real, historically proven events. Jesus was a real person. Fully man and fully God. Although people may wonder how that could be possible it doesn’t take away the fact that Jesus, Himself, made that fact clear over and over. If a God can create a universe then I figure He can do anything.

Not only does God, throughout scripture show His continually loving care for us, He expresses His desire for us to know him inside and out. In fact, the Bible itself is not about a “people” or even about us. It’s an autobiography about God. It’s His way of telling us His character, His eternal plan, and most of all how much He loves us. He wants us to know Him as much as He knows us. A truly staggering idea when it comes to the concept of God and gods.

God delights when His people truly know Him, love Him, and enjoy the blessings of His faithful love, justice, and righteousness.

Thomas A. Tarrants, President Emeritus, CS Lewis Institute

God is a relational being. He exists in a relational setting amongst the Trinity. He loves the Son and the Son loves Him. They love the Holy Spirit and He loves them back in perfect unity and harmony. How could God not be the same with us? How glorious is it to know that the Creator of all things seen and unseen wants to love and be loved by us!

My friends, we should delight and give thanks each and every day that we are known by a God who loves. A God who sent the Son to live and breathe, touch, feel, cry and laugh, suffer and celebrate just like us. A God who wanted us to have a tangible relationship to reach for when in need. A God who we can call our King, Savior and our friend.

May all Glory and Honor be our God and Creator. Amen

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Cleave From Fools  

Stay away from a fool,
    for you will not find knowledge on their lips. Proverbs 14:7

I imagine today’s wise advice has everyone shaking their heads in agreement.  If a spotlight were pointed at your gaggle of friends, however, would there be that one person you know you should limit your time around?  The one always making bad decisions, dragging you into uncomfortable situations, struggling in their marriage because of their behavior, and the list goes on and on.  

Why do we keep these folks on our Christmas card list or included in our party invitations?  Unfortunately, some are a bit too close to home as relatives.  But those other ones, those are head scratchers.  Maybe you think they are funny, your kids are on the same sports team, you’re in a Bible study group with them, or they are a neighbor.  As Christians aren’t we to show kindness, compassion and grace?  

Yes, to all of the above.  However, nowhere in scripture will you find the Lord advising to bring into your close sphere a fool.  As scripturally well-informed Christians we should be able to spot fools fairly quickly and make wise choices about boundaries.  According to an article in Sharper Iron, look for these traits: arrogance, overconfidence, lacking shame, braggart, reckless with words and choices, self-indulgent, quarrelsome, and insulting.  It doesn’t matter that they also have an amazing talent for scrapbooking, working out, wine collecting, or whatever mirrors some hobby or interest of yours.  Stay clear.  Smile and wave.  Be kind and gracious.  Protect your heart, mind, family and wallet.

Friend, a fool is no friend.  In the end, you will most likely look the fool along with them.  Take what they say with a discerning ear.  Surround yourself with people you can trust and help you on your sanctification journey.  God will cleave the fools.  You just need to let them go.  He will place the people you need in your path.

Holy Father, open my eyes to the foolish people I have held on to in my life.  Help me to be discerning with my time and boundaries concerning them.  Bring me wise mentors into my life.  Amen

Bible, bible study, Christian, Christian Church, christian encouragement, christian men, christian parenting, Christian women, Faith, Jesus, Jesus Follower, prayer, proverbs, religion, Transformation Prayer, Uncategorized, wisdom

Give Your Best, First

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.  Proverb 3:27

A 2015 study done by found that Americans donated around $358 billion dollars that previous year.  Of those donations, $115 billion went to religious related charities.  In addition, the study calculated that Americans devoted $173 billion in volunteer work.  Pretty impressive!  But here’s an even more interesting fact.  Americans weren’t in the top 10 list of being most likely to donate.  The top country? Myanmar.  A tiny land whose citizens frequently keep their country in the top spot with 81% of respondents saying they had made a donation in the past month.  The United States sits at 61%.  Still an impressive number, however.

On average, according to another survey, US Christians give just 2.5% of their income to their churches.  And while the message of the New Testament reminds us we aren’t under the old laws of tithing, the apostle Paul consistently tells us to give with a cheerful heart – not just to our churches but to those in need.

Too many times we look to see what is left over before we will uncurl our tight fists around our dollars.  But throughout scripture, God reminds us of two points. 1) To always give our best, first and 2) He owns everything already and we are just His stewards.  When we scrimp with our giving and with our time we are, in effect, holding on to what really isn’t ours.  We aren’t effectively managing the resources God has entrusted us to help His plan unfold.

Friend, while you should pray on how to best use your resources (money and time) for His Kingdom, you don’t need to pray night and day whether you should be more charitable to the people around you.  God has already given us those marching orders.  When we hear “He will provide” so often that means He is asking you to provide in His name to someone who needs to see a little bit of Jesus at work.

Gracious Father, you have provided for me in so many ways.  If I can only provide a few coins or hours of my time let it be so someone will know your name.  And if I can provide more help me to give fully with a cheerful and loving heart.  Amen 

Bible, bible study, Christian, Christian Church, christian encouragement, christian men, christian parenting, Christian women, Faith, Jesus, Jesus Follower, prayer, proverbs, religion, Transformation Prayer, Uncategorized, wisdom

Saved From Wickedness

“Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men…” Proverb 2:12

When I was younger I don’t think as many people were as wary as they are today of being scammed.  There wasn’t the internet and email – telling us about our cousin trapped over in Africa and needing $50 sent to him. Calling long distance and even making calls across town used to cost money.  So bulk calling 1,000s of old ladies each day and frightening them into giving up their entire savings just wasn’t as prevalent.  Don’t get me wrong, there were still plenty of snake oil salesmen.  It just took more effort.  

For as long ago as Adam and Eve decided to forego God’s admonishment not to listen to the first slippery, silver-tongued creature, we humans have been subjected to all manner of men and women who want to lighten our wallets, steal our vote, abuse us in some way, gain power and authority over us. 

According to psychology researcher Roy Baumeister, the majority of “evil doers” are really just people who tend to minimize the harmful impact of what they are doing or rationalize their reasons.  They often see their action as much less of a big deal than the impact experienced from the victim’s point of view.  Many of these folks may even see themselves as the victims – of society, their upbringing, their financial situation, etc.  They “deserve” what they are bilking out of you.

God shows us through His wisdom, using patience, prudence, discernment, how to avoid the ways of those who want to take advantage of us.  You know the saying, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.”  I have a friend who once lost money to a phone scammer who wanted to help her save on her phone bill.  All sorts of bells and whistles were going off in her head during the conversation – the Holy Spirit warning her with God’s wisdom!  But her desire for a “deal” was stronger.  

Large churches have imploded once enough people in the congregation finally started to heed God’s warning to be wise.  Realizing their shepherd was more concerned about their ego or their pocketbook than their job of caring for their flock.

Friends, if it sounds too good, it probably is.  If it’s not aligned with scripture you need to be wary.  If it whispers to your more sinful side you need to turn to God.  His Words will keep you from the ways of the wicked.

Father, the wicked ways of this world attack me each day.  Help me have a wise and discerning mind so that I can remain safe with you.  Amen