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Enjoy The Right Side of Life Part Two

Did you miss part one? Click here!

We need to put the best people on the horses and don’t apologize for it.”  

Warren Wiersbe

I have to ask you – who have you placed as your “experts” in life?  Your “ruler who sits on the horse,” (Ecc 10:6&7) who is ready to lead you into battle?  Are they leading you in the right hand life of Christ or in the left hand life of folly?  How can you know?  The Bible.  It is the preserved Word of God that does not change, no matter the era or point in history.

When faced with people who think following the truth and wisdom of the Bible say that’s “old fashioned” or irrelevant today, all you really need to do is read through the entire book of Ecclesiastes to see Solomon’s study of life in his age.  We are no different.  We want what we want and we want it now.  Preferably served with a slice of fun and merriment.

If you want to rejoice in the “right hand” life (by the way,  the word “sinister” comes from the Latin word meaning “on the left hand”… sorry again lefties), what do we need to do?  

Look to and at Jesus like we do our cell phones.  When we abide in Him, we experience abundance.”  

Pastor Ryan Paulson

When I heard this a few weeks ago at church it really hit home.  I carry my phone around in my back pocket throughout my small home.  I can hear the phone ring from any room in my house.  Yet I keep it close.  I look at it even when it hasn’t rung or chimed in a while just to make sure I haven’t missed a call or text.  

That’s how we need to place God – right in our back pocket.  Right in front of our face.  Not in a drawer we pull out in times of trouble or a couple times a year.  We dust off our Bibles, we sign up for Bible study (and actually do the work and attend), we find a church that is biblically based, not wishy washy.  We commune — not on-line in a faceless, non-participatory way — with other Christians to help bolster us and them.  We make God our expert, our Lord and our Holy King.

Do you need to sharpen up your edge so that you can cut through the lies of this life?  A knife so sharp we can spot the people we should and shouldn’t allow to guide us in the right handed life?  

It’s time to learn that the way we’ve always done “life” may not be working out so great for us.  We are weak and feel so much rejection from the left hand way of the world.  It’s time to step up and rejoice!  To enjoy a life of strength and wisdom and acceptance given to us freely by God.  The God we put squarely in the center of lives, riding us onward into victory.

Bible, bible study, Christian, Christian Church, christian encouragement, christian men, christian parenting, Christian women, Faith, god, Jesus, Jesus Follower, prayer, proverbs, religion, Transformation Prayer, Uncategorized, wisdom

Enjoying A Wisdom-Filled Life

A teenager asked his father if he could go to an unsupervised party where there would surely be drinking.  He denied his request.  “Aw Dad, why not?” he complained.  “I’m in high school now!” Dad replied: “Because some will drink and the party could get out of control.” “But, Dad, those are just very small parts of the party!  “My answer is ‘no,’ and that is my final answer. You are welcome to stay home tonight, invite some of your friends over.  But you will not go to that party.  End of discussion.”

The teenager walked dejectedly into the family room and slumped down on the couch. As he sulked, he was surprised to hear the sounds of his father preparing something in the kitchen. He soon recognized the wonderful aroma of brownies baking in the oven, and he thought, “Dad must be feeling guilty, and now he’s going to try to make it up to me with some fresh brownies.  Maybe I can soften him up with lots of praise when he brings them out to me and persuade him to let me go to that party after all.”

The teen was not disappointed.  Soon his father appeared with a plate of warm brownies. He took one. Then his father said, “Before you eat, I want to tell you something: I love you very much.  That is why I’ve made these brownies from scratch with the very best ingredients. The best stone-milled flour.  The best free-range eggs.  The best organic pure cane sugar. Premium vanilla and the finest chocolate.”  The brownies looked mouth-watering.

“There is one ingredient I added that is not usually found in brownies.  I got that ingredient from our own backyard.  But you needn’t worry, because I only added the tiniest bit of that ingredient.  The amount of the portion is practically insignificant.  So go ahead, take a bite and let me know what you think.”

“Dad, what is the mystery ingredient before I eat it?” the teen asked.  Dad answered, “Why?  The portion I added was so small.  Just a teaspoonful.  You won’t even taste it.” The teen said, “Come on, Dad; just tell me what it is.”

“Well, OK, if you insist.  That secret ingredient is organic…dog poop.” The teen instantly dropped his brownie back on the plate and began inspecting his fingers with horror. “DAD!  Why did you do that?  You’ve tempted me by making me smell the brownies cooking for the last half hour, and now you tell me that you added dog poop! I can’t eat these!”

Dad asked, “Why not?  The amount of dog poop is very small compared to the rest of the ingredients.  It won’t hurt you.  It’s been cooked right along with the other ingredients and you won’t even taste it. Go ahead and eat it.”  His son replied, “No, never.”

The wise dad continued, “And that is the same reason I won’t allow you to go to that party. You won’t tolerate a little dog poop in your brownies, so why should you tolerate a little immorality in your life?  We pray that God will not lead us unto temptation. So how can you in good conscience entertain yourself with something that could easily get you into trouble?”

The teenager lowered his head, then looked up at his Dad. He smiled. He finally understood. He never did go to high school parties where there was drinking.

Ah, the wisdom of a father.  Don’t most parents wish and hope we can provide such clever and wise examples to their children?  And best of all, they listen and obey?  But alas, so much wisdom dispensed, even to us, falls on deaf ears.  We know better and usually think we can do better than the person trying to save us from heartache or hardship.  

The Old Testament can be broken into four categories of books.  The Pentateuch, the first 6 books, Israel’s history, the prophets, and then wisdom.  Two entire books, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, have as their focus the topic of wisdom.  It must be something God finds very important in the lives of us humans.  Yet, wisdom and the enjoyment of having a life filled with it, seems so elusive to many.

We all have that family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker or acquaintance who causes us to scratch our heads each time they make yet another disastrous decision.  A decision that looks a lot like the same mistake they made last time when they sloughed off good advice.  Or maybe that person is…you.

Much of the wise advice we hear throughout our lives has its roots somewhere in the book of Proverbs, authored mostly by King Solomon.  In Ecclesiastes 7 & 8, he goes on to remind us to seek wisdom but that wisdom, by itself, is not to be the end-goal.  He should know.  Having asked God to grant him the wisest mind, he eventually managed to really mess up his life pursuing all manner of fleshly desires of which his gift of wisdom afforded him by becoming a wealthy king.  He became the poster boy for “do as I say, not as I do.”  

Had he heeded his own wise words he might have produced offspring that didn’t want to betray him or destroy the kingdom once they were in power.  It’s a good lesson to learn when we dispense wisdom to our fellow, earthly travellers.  As Jesus once reminded us, remove the log out of your own eye before you comment on the speck of another.

All that aside, it appears that at end of Solomon’s life he recognized so many of his faults, sins or indescretions.  The result was his study of life in Ecclesiastes.  And with that we get such wonderful pearls as:

If there was one thing, after seeking and thirsting for Christ, that we should spend our life attaining it would be wisdom.  It’s not easily gained.  So often the attaining requires we suffer first.  Isn’t that what we so often try to impart to others?  How to avoid pain, suffering, loss by taking our hard-earned advice?  

Like the son in the brownie story all of us need discipline sometime in our lives.  It’s the first step in wisdom seeking. The person who learns from their mistakes or experiences (or others’) gains one step closer to being wise.  One step closer to living a peaceful, joy-filled life.

None of us can come to the highest maturity without enduring the summer heat of trials.”

Charles Spurgeon

Solomon isn’t telling us in the above verse to not have a good and happy life.  What he is saying is our seeking joy and happiness at all costs is a shallow goal and not wise.  When our yearning for closeness to God can only be satisfied during joyful times, we miss out on the richness that tough times can bring.  Life, as we all know, isn’t all rainbows and unicorns.  As he has said throughout Ecclesiastes, life is frequently about toiling and repetitiveness.  Wisdom is rarely sought and found while we are whooping it up at a party.  

Wisdom is found before we enter the door and remember the terrible hangover we had that last time.  Or the fight you and your spouse got into because of inappropriate behavior at the neighborhood BBQ.  Or even maybe the DUI your friend got when you drove home together.  When we brush all that aside for a “good time,” we’ve entered into the land of folly.

Wisdom is gained by remembering.  Remembering the wise words shared with you.  Remembering the results of poor decisions, either by yourself or someone you know. 

 Wisdom isn’t just knowledge.  My mother-in-law was a very wise person.  She didn’t go to college, she didn’t have some big shot important job.  She was a mom, a sometimes employee at dress shops and florists.  She was a devoted Christian and a ready-hand at many volunteer events.  She was creative and quick-witted.  And she dispensed wisdom with ease.  Wisdom gained from a dirt poor childhood with an alcoholic dad.  From watching her brother make one bad decision after another ending up on drugs and in jail.  She didn’t need self-help books to know about life, she lived it and remembered it.

To know is not to be wise. To know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.”  

Charles Spurgeon

Friend, in this first look at wisdom let’s make a good evaluation of our own lives.  Are we enjoying a life of wisdom or are you continuing to make the same bad decisions?  Are you saying “talk to the hand” when someone who has wise words wants to impart them to you?  Do you brush aside past mistakes thinking things will be different this time?  Have you prayed, as King Solomon did, to the Lord asking for wisdom, in each and every aspect of your life? 

Wisdom will keep you from the extremes, as Solomon reminds us in verse 7:9.  It will preserve you, your good name (Ecc 7:1), your family and other relationships.  Seek first to be obedient to God and then ask Him for insight and wisdom.

I want to leave you today with a prayer that many may be familiar with written by theologian Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971), called the Serenity Prayer.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.

Enjoying A Wisdom Filled Life Part Two now available! Click here.

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Knitted by God

I’ve been thinking alot about babies lately — not because I want another (I’m way past that time!). Yes, the talk of Jesus coming to earth as a baby has been in my mind’s forefront but also my two-year old grandson and six-week old granddaughter had been staying with us for Christmas. Having had two daughters of my own I still find myself fascinated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the ever-changing process of growing up. 

Even while I was pregnant years ago, I thought the concept of having a human being inside me was very odd and alien-like. The miracle of life seemed just that, a miracle. While too many people in our societies want to pretend that a life growing inside a woman is not … a life, I remain in awe of how a tiny swimming seed can push its way into a tiny egg and an explosion of life begins. What a wondrous miracle God came up with to continue His creation!

While scientists pride themselves on the basic “how’s” of the creation of life they can never fully answer the “why’s.” Why does the tiny sperm swim up to the egg? Why does it find the egg and push its way through? Why do the cells begin to split? Why do the cells stop making new features of whatever creature they are creating? 

My pondering led me to a different question about this glorious, God-given miracle we call human life. When does the mystery of consciousness begin? Any small amount of research will unveil the biases of scientists working in this arena. The idea of God’s creation of consciousness is seen as “make believe” (as written over and over by Dr. Ralph Lewis in his 5 part series in Psychology Today). Yet, even after studying this topic for many years, evolutionary biologists and psychologist can only make conjectures based on theories of animals that lived thousands if not millions of years ago. They reject the one, most simple answer – God’s miraculous work in us.

I did find an article on when the journey to consciousness may begin in babies. Again, however, it is based on the idea of what scientists presume must be in place physically before a human is deemed able to have consciousness.

But when does the magical journey of consciousness begin? Consciousness requires a sophisticated network of highly interconnected components, nerve cells. Its physical substrate, the thalamo-cortical complex that provides consciousness with its highly elaborate content, begins to be in place between the 24th and 28th week of gestation. Roughly two months later synchrony of the electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythm across both cortical hemispheres signals the onset of global neuronal integration. Thus, many of the circuit elements necessary for consciousness are in place by the third trimester. 

Christof Koch, When Does Consciousness Arise in Human Babies? Scientific America

Friends, our glorious God, the creator of all things seen and UNSEEN has given humans the gift of consciousness. That, in turn, gifts us with creativity, planning, memory, higher emotions, and more. We can no more truly guess when this gift has been delivered to us than we can know when our souls have entered into our cells. Of course, many evolutionary biologists and atheists don’t believe we have souls either. 

If we look at life simply as a compilation of mechanical-like parts joined together (somehow for some reason) to create a two-legged creature that can speak, then we ignore all the beautiful intricacies of our human existence. The nuances of love, of sadness, of joy, of peace, of fear, and of reverence. 

Our Christian faith is not ignorant of the “how” we are knitted together. We can accept all the biological facts of our human bodies. We just have the key to why it all works. A God to whom we give all glory for being the greatest scientist and creator for all time.

All glory and honor and praise to God. Amen.

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Our Lovely God

Today we bask in the glow of a Christ come to us in the form of a baby. A baby which held the power to defeat sin in His tiny hand. A baby that so terrified a king that he called for the deaths of all the young children in Bethlehem. A baby that drew people of all races, creed, religion, nationality to Him for the promise of peace through all eternity. 

The other day I read part of a sermon by the renowned 18th century pastor, Jonathan Edwards. He became well known for glorifying God’s beauty and magnificence throughout his lifetime in sermon after sermon. Today I’d like to share a portion of his sermon titled, “Children Ought to Love the Lord Jesus Christ Above All” (Sermons and Discourses 1739-1742). It seems fitting in celebration of the birth of our Savior and a lesson for us all to carry in our minds and hearts.

“Christ is so lovely that the angels in heaven adore Him. Their hearts overflow with love for Him and they are continually, day and night without ceasing, praising Him and giving Him glory. He is so lovely that God the Father infinitely delights in Him.

Christ is His beloved Son, the brightness of His glory, whose beauty the Father continually sees with infinite delight, without ever being weary of beholding Him. And if the angels and God himself love Christ so much more than anyone or anything else, surely all children on earth ought to love Him above all things in this world.

Everything that is lovely in God the Father is in Jesus Christ, and everything that is lovely in any man is in Him. For He is man as well as God, and He is the holiest, most humble, and in every way the most excellent man that ever was. He is the true delight of heaven.

There is nothing in heaven, that glorious place, that is brighter or more lovely than Christ. By becoming man, He was as a flower springing up out of the earth, lovelier than any seen in all this world.

There is more goodness to be enjoyed in Christ than in anything or anyone in all the world. He is not only loving, but all sufficient for any need of humankind. There is enough provision in His person to supply all our wants and satisfy all our desires.” 

To our God who created the glorious heavens and earth, to Him be all power and honor and majesty. Amen

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Hope for All

In my Bible Study groups we have talked occasionally of the need to be educated about major religions so that in speaking with folks about Christ we know their general beliefs and positions of faith. When obeying the commands to love our neighbors and make disciples of all nations we must be aware and sensitive to the distinctions between Judaism, Islam and Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity. We’ve talked about missionary failures when believers enter into cultures too aggressively and trample on the very people we are tasked to love

Unfortunately, this history has caused many Christians to be overly cautious — thinking they shouldn’t ”push” their faith on people.  The lack of apologetics and addressing the differences in religions in churches only makes this situation worse. If we truly believe in Jesus, if we seek to obey Him and therefore are promised peace and joy, then we must accept as truth His directive.

It’s not about just trying to get Jesus’ conversion numbers up for the next quarter so God will be pleased. No, it’s about sharing the truth and glory of Jesus’ message to the world. It’s about wanting so desperately for our friends, neighbors, loved ones, and even strangers to experience the fullness of life for all eternity. It’s about how we view conflict and strife and fear – praying for, yes even our enemies, to come live in peace.

On this Christmas Day, when we celebrate the most significant day in the history of the earth since it was created, we should re-commit ourselves to this mission. Why? Because today the God of all monotheistic religions came down from the heavens and choose to live among us. Not as a prophet, as the Jews, Muslims and Hindus would believe. As God. That should be earthshaking news. It seems so un-god like which is why those religions have a hard time believing it. But God, over and over in the Old Testament and Torah (which both the Jews and Muslims accept as Holy Scripture) shows Himself to be atypical of gods. 

He choose the least of us to lead thousands. The sinner is the savior for an army. A woman outsmarts a king to avoid genocide. A farmer stands before a ruler issuing warnings. Musicians defeat a powerful army. A tiny nation is taken under His wings as loved. A baby is crowned a Savior for allpeople.

Today, a few thousand years ago, God came to tell us the best news we have ever needed. We don’t need to keep striving. We don’t need to give more money or kill a few doves or lambs. We don’t even need to be a “good person.” In fact, He came and pointed a finger at you and said, “Sinner, I love you.”  All three other major religions — Judaism, Islam and Hinduism — require you to just work harder. Sacrifice more. And hope that you’ve done enough on one column to make it into heaven (as we lie about what we put on the other column). Their own scriptures tell them it’s impossible on our own. What a terribly hopeless way to live!

If we believe in God, no matter the name we put on our faith, then how can we not believe He can do anything? Including coming to earth as both God and a human baby. A baby, not born of kings and queens but of an every day woman. Yet another worldly view that God shatters and turns upside down.

My friends, when we think of believers in other religions we should find common ground first. And then, we reveal the glory and hope of the Lord — through grace alone, through Jesus alone. No other religion offers true hope. Their messiah is really themselves, as in Buddhism. The truth of human history is that we cannot save ourselves. It’s something we are miserable at accomplishing. 

Jesus is the only spokesperson for the most beautiful message of God’s love. He holds out His hand to every single person and says, “You can’t, but I can.” So again, today commit or re-commit yourself to His commands. Pray for people who hate each other to turn to Jesus. Pray for people who hate you to accept His love. Pray for knowledge and wisdom. Pray for your neighbors who are devoted to a religion that requires them to run daily on a never ending wheel to earn their way into heaven. And thank God that He came, revealing His light as a child born in Bethlehem.

May all honor, glory and power be given to the One True King and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

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In His Time

In the advent study I’ve been working through we reviewed many of the Old Testament prophecies which came true with the birth of Christ. From Genesis 12 to Isaiah 9 and Micah 5 to Psalm 72 so much of these historical texts focus on the coming Messiah. Even the genealogical texts are there to affirm the lineage of the future King of Kings. 

Some of the events foretold by the prophets have a time span gap of 500 to 800 years before they came to fruition. Surely people in their time brushed much of what they said aside thinking they weren’t speaking in the name of God because the events “never came true.”

St. Augustine, in his autobiography Confessions, is noted as being one of the first to write of and discuss the experience of time. After his conversion to Christianity in about 386 AD he wrote about time in relation to God. 

“Who will lay hold on the human heart to make it still, so that I can see how eternity, in which there is neither future nor past, stands still and dictates future and past times? Can my mind have the strength for this?”

St. Augustine

In God’s eternal existence there is no past, present or future. It is all just now — just one big present moment, Augustine surmised. A bit mind blowing and hard to grasp. For us, a 500 or 800 year wait to see a prophecy come about seems almost pointless. We are creatures of our own conscious timeframe. Our past was last week or last year. The future is next month or next year.

What does all this matter to us now as we live in a broken world? In Romans 8 we are promised that the suffering we see or experience is nothing compared to the promised glory of the Lord that will be shown to us. For some that may mean we expect the results of an election to turn the tide. For others it may be a physical healing, next month. A quick completion of a war means peace will reign forever. I would imagine that during Jesus’ time it meant He was going to conquer the Romans and bring the Jewish nation back into glory.

And since Jesus’ death and resurrection we all, even non-believers, have been waiting for the greatest prophecy to be fulfilled — the return of Christ to complete His victory over evil. Those first century Christians were probably bolstered in their faith by thinking along their own human timeline. They suffered intense persecution and death, all on the promised return of the Savior. The entire chapter of 2 Peter 3 is a great read on this topic. But let me pull out this one verse:

At the end of the weekly advent study we were asked, “What evidence is there in the world today that Christ truly did come to reign as King over all His creation?” One member answered simply, “The existence of the Bible.” And she’s right. The Bible is filled with historical documents, proven over and over throughout history to be true. Jesus was a real man who was seen as a resurrected Savior by hundreds of people. He says the Old Testament and is prophecies are true. And as Frank Furtek of Stand to Reason once said, “I tend to believe the guy who said he would die and rise again, when he actually did rise again.”

My answer? All around us we see evil striving harder than ever it seems to fight against the will of God. Trying to erase God from our everyday lives. They are thrashing and gnashing and screaming — as they are being pressed back against the coming truth of God’s judgment day. In the face of all the unrest, anger, selfishness, and sinful behavior however, thousands are being baptized each month in the name of Jesus Christ. Masses of people are coming to the Lord knowing they want to be on the right side of the coming judgment.

Friends, the glory of the Lord was seen on the first light of day many millennia ago. He saved a remnant of His chosen people to be the first witnesses to the glory of His coming to earth to save us from our sins. One day the whole world will see His glory reign throughout the earth when He comes again. Until then we can rest in steadfastness that He is the God who fulfills all His promises, in His time, not ours.

May all Honor, Glory and Power be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

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Fake, Dead or Alive?

My pastor yesterday asked a very controversial question of our congregation and the results were surprising to me. ”Raise your hand if you have a fake tree. Now raise your hand if you have a real tree.” The majority of people have a fake tree. I, however, will always have a real tree gracing my living room! He went on to talk about how a real tree is really just a dead tree cut off from the earth.  He used this analogy to talk about dead faith and not abiding in God. 

However, I wondered, how many Christians out there are actually relying on a “fake faith?” A faith in which we go through the motions and do all the right volunteering and giving. We pray and do Bible Studies. And yet, we also despise our neighbor or that person who hurt us years ago. Forgiveness? Forget about it! We compare ourselves to others, especially during the Christmas season. We give to charities but ignore the person in need that’s right in front of us! We play victim that no one gives us the attention we need and deserve. We make excuses for our language, our thoughts. We look so much like the world but “at least we go to church.”

Today was the first day of my challenge to love and serve others. I wonder how you did? Did you stop and help a person struggling to get a cart loose from the cart corral? Did you let someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store — without feeling like you deserved a badge? Did you help out that person at work who just is so annoying? But you did it with love? Send a comment about what you did in His name without any benefit to you! 

Yesterday, as my church continues through the book of John we focused on John 15:1-17. It’s the famous verses on Jesus declaring Himself to be the vine and His disciples being the branches.

When my husband and I left church I asked Him what new things he learned. He hadn’t realized that Jesus was the root stock and we are the branches that grow out of that stock along the strings which the “vine dresser” makes. As Jesus’ branches we can only exist as an outgrowth of Him. I shared that I learned that the verse John 15:2 isn’t what I originally thought:

On face value this seems a bit scary. We think we need to work really hard at serving the Lord, serving others and bringing people to Christ. It may seem so difficult that we don’t even try. Or we make halfhearted attempts to love the Lord by serving others. And if the fruits of our labor aren’t successful then chop, chop! But the words “takes away” in Greek actually are “airo,” meaning to elevate. So the Father doesn’t cut off believers when they supposedly fail. No, in His loving and glorious way He picks us up off the ground and gently puts us back along His life giving strings. It is only those folks who consciously choose to hate God that get cut off. (John 15:6). 

True love for Jesus, true “abiding in Him” means thinking on Him every minute of the day. It means asking Him when we wake up to place people in front of us to serve. It means before we head out to work that we ask Him to help you be at peace in traffic and to guide you in being kind and loving to those challenging people you encounter. It means when you are tasked with something difficult you immediately turn to Him for strength and wisdom.

We glorify God when we tap into every ounce of power and wisdom He has available to us. Like an inert seed placed in the ground, it can’t do anything without the soil around it, the water to feed it, and the sun to give it life. WE are that seed. And when we stay close to the Lord we grow and produce fruit, not on our own, but because of the work He has done through us.

Jesus’ love and care for us produces fruit. Our love and abiding in Him gives Him the opportunity to serve the flock. And the results for us personally? 

And I don’t know about you but I want and need joy in my life. A joy that is so deep and everlasting that only our Glorious Savior can provide. Let us all, as we approach the celebration of our Lord’s birth this week remember to abide so closely in Him. Allow Him to shine out of you so brightly that the world wants to know more.

Soli Deo Gloria

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High Fives

The other night, just before we were about to go to bed, I looked over our Christmas shopping list to see who my husband still needed to check off. It caused me to ask him where a gift certificate was that had come in the mail the day before. It is an “old school” paper certificate for $100 to a local attraction. Thus began an all out search for this thin piece of paper.

At the same time, I know it sounds odd, I was also searching for a brand new bra that disappeared about a week ago. Since I don’t go around tossing my bra off outside my house I just knew it had to be inside somewhere! So, here we were at 9:00pm going through trash cans, drawers, paperwork, sheets, towels, etc searching for a piece of paper and a bra. 

At one point my husband was ready to give up. He was going to call the shop the next day and ask for a duplicate gift certificate. He told me to just buy a new bra. But I’m not a quitter so we kept searching. At last, I looked in one last place for the gift certificate — the office recycling bin. And there it was stuck to an empty Christmas card envelope! Moments later my husband was digging around in the clothes hamper and he pulled out my bra displaying it like the Lion King Mufasa holding up the baby lion Simba. How I didn’t see it the other 10 times I looked in there I have no idea.

As we fell into bed laughing about our search I said, “We are practically like a Bible story — you know, the ones about the lost coins and the lost sheep! We didn’t give up and we finally found our precious things.”

As so often happens when I’m in the midst of writing, my everyday experiences lead me to ponder on the glory of God. In this instance, how He also never gives up. He goes into our trash heap of sins and pulls us from the depths. He seeks us out under the dust and brushes us off. He cleans us up and makes us righteous before Him through our faith in Jesus.

Christ not only welcomes us home but He runs to meet us like the father to the prodigal son. Through His bountiful mercy (not dishing out the punishment we deserve) and grace (giving us the love and justification we don’t deserve) He celebrates our entrance to His Holy Kingdom. 

Think on the last time you lost something and finally found it. You may have performed a little, silly dance or shouted out in glee. Now imagine when you accepted Christ as your Savior how God must have danced in joy because He is a God of great celebration. While we can’t change someone’s mind about God, He can. He asks us to join with Him in the search effort. Imagine each time you share the message of your salvation with an unbeliever how God must be saying, “YES! LET’S DO THIS! Let’s bring another home!” 

Give all honor, praise, and glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

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Obedient Love

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

2 John 1:6

“Live on Christ’s love alone.  He seeks to make your heart His throne.  It is our loss to divide our limited love.  Give it all to Christ.  Lay your cares and your burdens upon God; make Him your beloved.”  The Letters of Samuel Rutherford, Samuel Rutherford.

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31 Days of God’s Wisdom

“Love the Lord with all your minds heart and soul.” Matthew 22:37

It seems when we Christians talk about our faith these days it’s so frequently focused on feelings, emotions – “from the heart.”  And while Jesus will ultimately be the judge of our heart’s true commitment, He also asks us to use the rest of our bodies to honor God.  It’s not enough to feel God we need to know and obey God.  Why? Because His Words are designed to guide us through this temporary life as best possible.  We want to become skillful not just at making a living but in making a life that is in line with our Holy Father.  Many of us have experienced life outside those guardrails – sometimes on a daily occurrence.  When we are rash with our decisions or emotions, quick to be angry, quick to take up the latest idea or get rich scheme, quick to enter into relationships without good judgment, we easily find ourselves outside God’s protective ways.

The words “wise” and “wisdom” are used 125 times in the 31 chapters of the book of Proverbs.  It sounds as though someone might be trying to get a point across to us!  Wisdom literature in the Bible includes Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes.  But for this series I’ll be focusing only on Proverbs.  You’ll notice there’s 31 chapters – perfect for a one month study of God’s messages to us about living life in His guardrails.  

But first and foremost, we need a right relationship with our Creator. Meaning we accept God in His three persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) as one God who created the universe and everything in it.  And that Jesus came as fully man and fully human to be the final, complete sacrifice to cleanse us of our sins.  In this way we may come before God, our King, as righteous.  He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent in our lives.  There is one way on this path and that one way is open to everyone who believes in Him.

Second, we have an assertion of a moral law operating in the world and there will be divine justice.  None of which has to do with IQ, wealth or even education.  There is an expectation by God to follow His moral laws.  And everyone, believers and non-believers, will be judged upon their death.

If we do not have these two foundations, then the seeking of wisdom has no foundation itself.  Without a moral King to guide us then we are guiding ourselves.  And we know how well that usually turns out!  Our selfish souls seek ease, seek comfort, seek pleasure above all.  Without an understanding and acceptance of a final, universal judgment then what does it all matter?  If you read back into ancient history, peoples without God sacrificed children to meet their desires.  They performed all sorts of sexually immoral acts (especially on women) to please their desires.  Murdered without out conscience.  It was the formation of God’s people through Abraham and Moses that brought God’s moral law back down to earth.  Setting us back on the path toward God’s future Eden on Earth.

And so, through people like King Solomon He spoke.  The king had asked God for wisdom and it was granted (1 King 3:5-14).  It is believed King Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs during his reign.  The beauty of the proverbs selected for this book is that none of them are in conflict.  All cultures have their sayings – quick summaries of lessons.  But many times, they conflict with each other!  (“Look before you leap!” vs “He who hesitates is lost.”) God’s words are never opposed to each other.  

Toward the end of his reign, King Solomon turned to the folly he so frequently spoke to avoid and disregarded his own wisdom – proving we need to stay close to God at all times. In fact, God warned him when He gave Solomon this gift: “And if you will walk in my ways, keeping my statutes and my commandments, as your father David walked, then I will enlighten your days.” A good reminder to never take a day off from following God.

Proverbs are not promises.  They are generalized statements of what is usually true.  So, if you find a proverb that you want to disagree with first remind yourself that we humans are sinful people.  And second, God seeks to bring us into His ideal world.  We are practicing to live in our final home – the New Eden.

If you haven’t signed up to receive your 31 Days of God’s Wisdom, make sure you subscribe today!  After entering your email information below, check your inbox for your confirmation link.  Thank you for joining me on this journey and be sure to share with your friends, neighbors, co-workers and family! Blessings to you for wisdom, Kris